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The simple fact that we lost it doesn't justify Pauling's speculation about what the original normal level was. Primates and, oddly enough, guinea pigs, do not have that ability.So it's plausible that our ancestors had a synthesis ability and lost it somewhere, but it happened a very long time ago, back before our ancestors branched off from the lemurs. Most mammals have the ability to synthesize vitamin C. There isn't any doubt that our ancestors had the ability to synthesize vitamin C and that somewhere along the line we lost it. Posted by: TallDave at Novem12:08 PM (wBY8q) If you get really sick, very large doses (decagrams/day) may do wonders for you, according to some research.The body's ability to absorb C seems to increase the sicker you are. If true, this would mean that vitamin C was misnamed as a vitamin and is in fact a vital macronutrient like fat or carbohydrate. This is what's really fascinating though: The fact that man possesses three of the four enzymes that animals employ to manufacture ascorbates in relatively large amounts, has led researchers such as Irwin Stone and Linus Pauling to hypothesize that man's ancestors once manufactured this substance in the body millions of years ago in quantities roughly estimated at 3,000-4,000 mg daily, but later lost the ability to do this through a chance of evolution. Reports from physicians have provided ample clinical confirmation. So, the most effective trials at doses between 2 and 10 g/day are met with skepticism. As doses rise, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep the trials double blind because of the obvious gastro-intestinal side effects. The vast majority of the trials were limited to doses below 1 g/day. Vitamin C is more effective the higher the dose. The data indicate that there is a normal dose-response relationship. The trials show that vitamin C reduces the duration and severity of colds but not the frequency. These trials were reviewed in the 1990s and again recently. At least 29 controlled clinical trials (many double-blind and placebo-controlled) involving a total of over 11,000 participants have been conducted into vitamin C and the Common cold.

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My personal experience with 7 years of daily multigram intake has been 2 or 3 colds of such mild severity I barely noticed I was sick.

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